26 de abril de 2012

chernobyl, the smiths, george michael.

depois daquele 26 de abril em 1986, o mundo nunca mais seria o mesmo. chernobyl marcou profundamente até quem estava muito longe dos reatores. afetou o debate proposto pelo alemão ulrick beck sobre a sociedade do risco, embora a definição também se refira a uma (nova) modernidade desde antes desse marco. diz a lenda urbana que panic, um dos clássicos dos smiths, também foi afetado por chernobyl: no rádio, depois de informar o grave acontecimento, o DJ comunicador teria tocado um sucesso pop de george michael, então no wham!, e morrissey e marr reagiram na hora, criando a música. o impacto, sob diversos aspectos, de chernobyl e a questão nuclear, sobretudo depois do que aconteceu no japão, também está longe de deixar de afetar nossas vidas. com o debate sobre a mudança climática, a energia nuclear tem pegado uma perigosa carona no marketing verde da ''energia limpa", o que mostra o quanto a atitude "comercial" do DJ se reproduz de outras formas hoje nesse assunto grave. alerta máximo! hoje é impossível não pensar com tristeza nas vítimas de chernobyl e nos efeitos do acidente no passado, no presente e... em nosso futuro... um alerta de força "atômica".

the world changed after 26th April 1986... the chernobyl accident affected in depth even who was far from the reators. the sociological concept of risk society, from the german ulrick beck, was affected by chernobyl, although his definition is about what happened before chernobyl as well. they say that panic from the smiths was affected by chernobyl too. on the radio, the DJ played a george michael song - performing as wham! at that time - just after commented what had happened and morrissey and marr reacted immediately creating this song. the multiple impact of chernobyl and nuclear issues is still affecting our lifes. this memory became stronger after japan. in the climate change debate, nuclear energy took a dangerous lift in the clean energy green marketing label - a different commercial way to approach this grave issue (as the DJ did). maxim alert! today it's impossible not to feel sad about all victims from chernobyl and its effects in our past, present and...  future... a global "warning".

"A story circulated as the basis for the song is that days before recording the song, Marr and Morrissey were listening to BBC Radio One when a news report announced the Chernobyl disaster. Straight afterwards, disc jockey Steve Wright played the song "I'm Your Man" by pop duo Wham!. "I remember actually saying, 'What the fuck does this got to do with people's lives?'" Marr recalled. "We hear about Chernobyl, then, seconds later, we're expected to jump around to 'I'm Your Man'". While Marr subsequently stated that the account was exaggerated, he commented that it was a likely influence on Morrissey's lyrics.[4] The band even commissioned a t-shirt featuring Wright's portrait and the phrase "Hang the DJ!"[5]"

[breatix"A canção nasceu mais precisamente no dia 26 de abril quando Morrissey e Marr ouviam a Radio 1, da BBC, em busca de notícias sobre o acidente nuclear de Chernobyl e perceberam que o boletim da notícia tinha como "trilha sonora" I'm Your Man, do duo Wham!, ex-banda de George Michael. Os dois ficaram tão enojados com a situação que berraram que aquele DJ deveria ser enforcado. Nascia assim uma canção que seria, curiosamente, a mais vendida e a mais executada, embora alguns DJs se recusassem a colocar em suas programações. Eis a letra...

Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again
On the Leeds side-streets that you slip down
I wonder to myself
Hopes may rise on the Grasmeres
But Honey Pie, you're not safe here
So you run down
To the safety of the town
But there's Panic on the street of Carlisle
Dublin, Dundee, Humberside
I wonder to myself
Burn down the disco
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music they constantly play
On the Leeds side-streets that you slip down
Provincial towns you jog 'round
Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ

 Licença Creative Commons  #supercarrinho  @supercarrinho

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super carrinho. faça as idéias rodarem aqui também.
obrigada pela participação no debate.