o gesto do consumo pressupõe um estilo de vida globalizado (como se todo mundo tivesse o mesmo acesso e valores culturais) e, por isso, a abordagem mercadológica 'eco', apesar das diferenças, é muito parecida around the world. as embalagens revelam isso: um discurso visual globalizado. se você está fora do brasil e pode colaborar comigo, por favor, me manda uma imagem de alguma embalagem de produto bio/eco etc.../símbolos relacionados a isso, presentes nas embalagens, etc... /produtos nos quais você entenda que há um recado 'verde'. não precisa ser foto do produto ambientado no supermercado (embora eu confesse que isso também seria legal), pode ser de algum produto que você usa, que esteja aí, na sua frente, que faça parte do seu cotidiano, ambientado na sua vida. também não precisa ser foto profissional. vai constar do meu trabalho sobre o assunto (com o devido crédito e, obviamente, quando estiver ok, socializo o texto, mando cópia etc...). já tenho algumas imagens, mas se você puder mandar também, isso seria mais bacana e a ilustração ficaria mais rica, embora seja apenas uma ilustração do tema. super obrigada. abaixo, algumas das imagens da alemanha e da noruega que pessoas fofas já me mandaram. se puder e quiser colaborar, manda a imagem, identificando o país, para o email josipaz2010@gmail.com tô editando a versão final. se você mandar até 20 de maio, ainda dá tempo de inserir. obrigada.
they say consuming is a global way of life (although global doesn't mean that it works for everybody, you know that it works for few ones). so, the 'eco design market approach' seems to be almost the same around the world, despite of cultural diferences. it's a global visual discourse. if you are able to help me, please, send me some images of some eco/bio etc... product from where you are right now/ of some package that you recognize as having a green approach. it doesn't need to be inside the supermarket (although, yes, it would be cool as well), you can shot any product around you, something you already use in your day-by-day, in your context. obviously, it doesn't need to be a professional photo. it'll be a interesting part of my piece of work, and yes, of course, I'll mention your credits (the text will be written in portuguese, but I'll translate it into english to be able to share it with you). I already have some images but if you are able to send me some as well, from your place, it'll be great, making this even more diverse. thank you. below you can see some of the images that some lovely people from germany and norway have sent me. if you want/are able to colaborate, please, send your image (don't forget to tell me from where) to josipaz2010@gmail.com I'm editing the final version, so, if you send your photos until 20th May it'll be perfect. thank you.
they say consuming is a global way of life (although global doesn't mean that it works for everybody, you know that it works for few ones). so, the 'eco design market approach' seems to be almost the same around the world, despite of cultural diferences. it's a global visual discourse. if you are able to help me, please, send me some images of some eco/bio etc... product from where you are right now/ of some package that you recognize as having a green approach. it doesn't need to be inside the supermarket (although, yes, it would be cool as well), you can shot any product around you, something you already use in your day-by-day, in your context. obviously, it doesn't need to be a professional photo. it'll be a interesting part of my piece of work, and yes, of course, I'll mention your credits (the text will be written in portuguese, but I'll translate it into english to be able to share it with you). I already have some images but if you are able to send me some as well, from your place, it'll be great, making this even more diverse. thank you. below you can see some of the images that some lovely people from germany and norway have sent me. if you want/are able to colaborate, please, send your image (don't forget to tell me from where) to josipaz2010@gmail.com I'm editing the final version, so, if you send your photos until 20th May it'll be perfect. thank you.
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super carrinho. faça as idéias rodarem aqui também.
obrigada pela participação no debate.